Inktober 2023

Red Inktober 2023 sketchbook

Take an Inktober 2022, turn to the back cover, reverse and start again! This is how Red Inktober 2023 sketchbook began.

31 days, 31 words. This is my 6th Inktober.

Inktober’s list

Inktober is a monthlong art challenge started by Jake Parker, one of the founders of SVSLearn. September 1st of each year Inktober prompts are posted. Artsts can also use their own lists.

Cover experience

Work in progress

Previously on Inktober…

In 2009, Jake Parker , American comics creator, concept artist, illustrator, and animator, started Inktober. The announcement was made on his blog. Parker originally started the challenge to motivate himself to improve his own inking skills. Since 2016, he posted a list of “prompts” for each day’s artwork. Artists are also known to plot out series of drawings on the same theme as part of the celebration. Participants have approached the challenge as an opportunity to practice and share their art, drawing in various art styles, and using a variety of media (the challenge originally was made only in fountain pen) . In October 2015, over 1 million Inktober drawings were posted on Instagram. I am in since 2018.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

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