Summer chic Art2wear Resort

Have you ever got the feeling that you chose something because that something has chosen you? That’s exactly what happened with these colorful fabrics. It seems they suggested to me what styles they wanted to become. I just captured the feeling of a simple, but chic summer that they gave to me and I called it Summer chic Art2wear Resort.

Leggi in ItalianoВерсия на русском языке

The concept

This collection is based on three main shapes that become fresh, essential, and easy-to-match styles like dresses, bermuda, light jackets and shorts.

The basic designs become wide pants, Bermuda shorts, beach shorts, jackets, evening and cocktail dresses ready to make a perfect suitcase for summer holidays on the seaside, in the city, or for countryside escapes.

All the styles are in 100% cotton or viscose, the summer patterns are embellished with hand-made bead embroidery and semi-precious stone buttons.

Summer to discover

These are the styles of the collection. Click here to have your favourite ones in your size.

Item by item, step by step

Mid jacket in 100% cotton with tropical pattern, embellished with a natural stone button and a macramé loop


Mid length jacket with marine pattern in shades of red, 100% cotton, embellished with a natural stone button and ruffles on the sleeves and hand-made bead embroidery in crystal on the back


Wide pants with marine pattern in shades of red, 100% cotton with hand-made bead embroidery in crystal “fishes”


Bermuda mid shorts with tropical pattern 100% cotton lined with white cotton


Bermuda shorts with marine patterns in shades of red, 100% cotton with hand-made bead embroidery in crystal “red fish”


Bermuda mid shorts with multi color foulard print in 100% cotton


Short beach shorts with tropical pattern in 100% cotton lined with white cotton


Short beach shorts in shades of red with marine pattern 100% cotton, embellished with hand-made bead embroidery in the shape of a seahorse


Short light summer shorts with geometric pattern 100% viscose


Long dress with geometric pattern 100% viscose with zipper closing


Mid length cocktail dress with geometric pattern in 100% viscose


Short sleeve Tunic shirt in 100% cotton with multicolor foulard flower pattern print


Ready to go?

Fill in the form to commission your favourite styles tailored in your size, and have fun creating outfits for your summer holidays.
Remember to indicate the style code and your measurements.
You can use the same form to order more styles.


How to take measirements

Take measurements in order I can make your favourite style in your size. You can do it at home following this simple scheme:

How to take measirements for a tailormade item
Take measurements  in order i can make the item in your size. You can do it at home following this simple scheme by Yulia A Korneva

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Льненая летняя коллекция Art2Ware

Лето пахнет солнцем и свободой. Льненая летняя коллекция Art2Ware дохновлена образом деревни, прогулок и пикников на природе и мягким солнечным светом.

English version Leggi in Italiano

Как всегда, я постаралась максимально сохранить уникальность и своеобразие натуральных тканей, создав из них простые и лаконичные формы. Посмотреть коллекцию.

Я унаследовала эту льняную ткань от моей бабушки Анастасии. Она была изготовлена еще в Советском Союзе в Костроме, на родине льна. Белое круживо из 100% хлопка изготовленно в России в 90-е годы.

Творческий процесс

Льненая летняя коллекция Art2Ware от эскизов до фотосессии

Весь льненой букет

Юбка-миди четверть солнца из 100% льна, отделанная кружевом из чистого хлопка идеально подходит для прогулки по городу, у моря или для коктейля.


Бермуда из чистого льна отлично подойдут для выходных в городе, прогулки к пляжу или аперитива.


Широкие брюки из 100% льна с боковой молнией идеальны для рабочих будней или прохладных вечеров в отпуске.


Пиджак-ветровка из чистого льна с воротником, отделанным хлопковым кружевом. Регулируемый низ на шнурке и застежках, эластичные манжеты, застежка на молнию. Идеально подходит для прохладных летних дней и вечеров в городе, на море или в круизе.


Сумочка из хлопкового кружева на шнурке. Элегантный и изящный аксессуар для выходного наряда, коктейля или прогулки по историческому центру города.


Фото Flavio Allia; модель Caterina Allia.

Ваш выбор!

Выбирайте, заказывайте и сочетайте модели из коллекции, и создавайте оригинальные и удобные летние ансамбли.

Обязательно укажте код модели и ваши размеры. Можно заполнить одну форму на несколько моделей.

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Нравятся другие цвета? Хотите подчеркнуть индивидуальные особенности? Отлично! Пишите и я буду рада создать неповторимую авторскую модель.

Как снять мерки

Измерьте рост, обхват груди, обхват талии и бедер, длинну изделия. Мерки можно снять в домашних условиях по этой простой инструкции:

Как снять мерки 
Измерьте рост, обхват груди, обхват талии и бедер, длинну изделия. Мерки можно снять в домашних условиях по этой простой инструкции:

Хотите узнать больше о моем творчестве или приобрести мои работы, пишите и я буду рада ответить всем.

Следите за новостями в моих соцсетях на FaceBookTwitterInstagramTumblerPinterest, VK, Telegramm и поддерживайте мое искусство на Patreon.

Collezione Art2Wear Kimono edition

Idea della Collezione Art2Wear Kimono edition in seta nasce alla mostra “Le guarire del sol levante” al MAO di Torino, ultima mostra visitata prima della pandemia. L’idera era quella di prendere il taglio del kimono tradizionale giapponese e rivisitarlo con lo spirito determinato, ma flessibile del per vestire le samurai di oggi.

Quale tessuto se non la pura seta è più adatto alle forme del kimono! Stampata, dipinta a mano, trasformata in velluto cangiante o in un velo semitrasparente, con disegno geometrico, astratto o floreale ogni “personalità” di questo tessuto naturale sembra essere fatta apposta per sottolineare la decisa femminilità.

Ti è piaciuta la collezione? Commissiona su misura i tuoi oufit preferiti oppure chiedi di crearne uno apposta per te compilando questa form. Indica il codice del modello e le tue misure come altezza, circonferenza vita, bacino e torace.

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A spasso con Art2Wear Kimono edition

I ciliegi giapponesi sono in fiore! Indossa il tuo Art2Wear Kimono e vieni a passeggiare con me nel multiverso tra le sfumature rosa dei petali di sakura. Guarda il video della sfilata virtuale!

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Collection Art2Wear Kimono 2023

The Collection Art2Wear Kimono 2023 was born in 2020 from Japanese kimonos cut mixed to cat tree artworks to dress the feminine samurais of nowadays.

To commission your favourite outfits click here and contact me or fill in the form below. Please remember to indicate the style code/s and your measurements: hight, chest, hips, waist and lenght of the item and the colour (if different from the colour on the picture)


Walking with Art2Wear Kimono 2023

It’s sakura blossom time. Put on your Art2Wear Kimono and come with me to walk inside the light pink petals ofcherry trees. Art2Wear Kimono catwalk inside cherry tree blossom. Watch here the virtual show with all the styles of Art2Wear kimono edition.

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

Art2Wear Wool immersion 2023 by Yulia A. Korneva

Collezione Art2Wear Wool immersion

Collezione Art2Wear Wool immersion unisce le lane tinte, stampate e ricamate con i tessuti in misto lana, seta, cotone e tulle.

English versionВерсия на русском языке

Ti è piaciuta la collezione? Commissiona su misura i tuoi oufit preferiti oppure chiedi di crearne uno apposta per te compilando questa form. Indica il codice del modello e le tue misure come altezza, circonferenza vita, bacino e torace.

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Abito nero in lana ed ecopelle con le decorazioni in metallo e plastica. Modello WI2301

Borsetta nera con manico catenina argento e decorazione in lana, perline e cristalli. Modello WI2302

Completo gonna e gilet in tessuto misto lana con tinta scozzese grigia. La parte posteriore dello gilet è creata con un inserto in cachemire tono su tono. Modello WI2303

Pantaloni marroni con frangia all’orlo in misto lana e seta con patten in tessuto jacquard ed orlo rifinito con frangia. Modello WI2304

Gonna marrone in due tipi di tessuto mélange in lana. Modello WI2305

Gonna in misto lana con stampa scozzese e dettagli in cotone e tulle. Modello WI2306

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Art2Wear Wool immersion 2023 by Yulia A. Korneva

Art2Wear Wool Immersion 2023

Art2Wear Wool Immersion 2023 designer collection is dedicted to wool fabrics and mixed fabrics and details in silk, cotton and tulle.

Leggi in ItalianoВерсия на русском языке

To commission your favourite outfits click here and contact me or fill in the form below. Please remember to indicate the style code/s and your measurements: hight, chest, hips, waist and lenght of the item and the colour (if different from the colour on the picture)


Black long dress in wool fabric and eco leather with metal and plastic decorations. Style WI2301

Black leather and wool bag with crystal decorations and silver chain as a handle. Style WI2302

Set of skirt and sleeveless jacket in grey tartan mixed wool fabric. The back of gilet is made of the cachemire tartan fabric. Style WI2303.

Brown pants in mixed wool and silk fabric with jacquard pattern. Style WI2304

Brown mid skirt in two types of melange wool fabric. Style WI2305

Tartan long skirt in mixed wool fabric with tulle and cotton details. Style WI2306

If you have questions, comments or ideas to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

Art2Wear Wool immersion 2023 by Yulia A. Korneva

Коллекция Art2wear шерсть 2023

Коллекция Art2wear шерсть 2023 соединяет в себе эксперименты с шерстью и другими тканями, такими как хлопок, шелк и тюлль.

English versionLeggi in Italiano

Чтобы заказать понравившиеся модели по вашим размерам заполните форму ниже. Не забывайте указать код моделей и ваши размеры: рост, обхват груди, обхват талии и бедер, длинну изделия, а также желаемый цвет, если он отличается от фотографии.

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Коллекция Art2wear шерсть в подробностях

Чёрное длинное платье из шерсти и кожзаменителя с отделкой стальными и пластиковыми жемчужинами. Модель WI2301

Черная сумочка из кожи с ручкой из стальной цепочки и декоративной отделкой из шерсти, искусственного жемчуга и хрусталя. Модель WI2302

Костюм юбка и жилет из серой шерстяной ткани со спинкой из кашемирового полотна. Модель WI2303

Коричневые брюки с бахромой из смесовой ткини шерсть и шелк с рисунком. Модель WI2304

Юбка средней длинны из шерстяной ткани мелаже двух тонов. Модель WI2305

Длинная узкая юбка и шерстяной смесовой ткани в клетку с отделкой из тюлли и хлопка. Модель WI2306

Хотите узнать больше о моем творчестве или приобрести мои работы, пишите и я буду рада ответить всем.

Следите за новостями в моих соцсетях на FaceBookTwitterInstagramTumblerPinterest, VK, Telegramm и поддерживайте мое искусство на Patreon.

art2wear wool immersion fall winter 2021/2022

Piante che fioriscono sulla neve

Piante che fioriscono sulla neve, gambi, foglie e fiori anche quando termometro scende sotto lo zero. Come si chiamano questi fiori e da dove arrivano?

Версия на русском языке English version

Nel mese di maggio mi ha sfiorata un idea folle: perché non spostare la fioritura nell’inverno? Detto fatto!

Ora i fiori rossi, bordoux ed azzurri sono davanti a te. Arrivano della collezione Art2wear wool immersion 2021/22 che prende ispirazione dalle forme floreali della calligrafia orientale. Gli ornamenti tracciati con inchiostro nero e rosso dai maestri della scrittura mettono le radici in puro cachemire e lana finissima per creare i capi confortevoli, ma dal carattere deciso.

Mischia i pezzi della collezione a tuo gusto creando i look in tinta unita o spezzati.

Ti è piaciuta la collezione? Commissiona su misura i tuoi oufit preferiti oppure chiedi di crearne uno apposta per te compilando questa form. Indica il codice del modello e le tue misure come altezza, circonferenza vita, bacino e torace.

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Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sugli account social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Vuoi saperne di più, hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!

art2wear wool immersion fall winter 2021/2022

Flowers blooming in winter

What are that flowers blooming in winter? Red, light blue and bourdox they are to color white winter days. Where are they from?

Версия на русском языке Leggi in Italiano

They grow in the wool and cashmere fabrics and come from Art2wear wool immersion collection of 2021/22. This winter collection is inspired by the herbal of the oriental calligraphy. The flowers, plants and leaves become contrast decorations to create a self confident lady look for office, indoor, outdoor and cocktail.
Mix and match your favourite styles to create bold or bright comfy outfits.

To commission your favourite outfits click here and contact me or fill in the form below. Please remember to indicate the style code/s and your measurements: hight, chest, hips, waist and lenght of the item and the colour (if different from the colour on the picture)


I will be happy also to design create your own item specially for you.

Follow the work in progress and real time news on my social accounts
FaceBook, Twitter , Instagram , Tumbler and Pinterest. Watch my videos and reels on Youtube and support my art on Patreon.

If you have questions, comments or thoughts to share click here and write me. I will be happy to reply.

Polar incontra aerografia in Art2Wear Polar X

Quest’anno abbiamo bisogno come mai di morbidezza e confort. La sofficità del polar incontra aerografia in Art2Wear Polar X. Le morbide linee dell’aerografo incontrano il morbido tessuto castorino.

English version Версия на русском языке

Per ogni look ho creato un ambiente onirico e surreale in tinta. I colori e linee sono morbidi e sfumati tipici di pittura con aeropenna.

La collezione “Polar Experience” si evolve così in “Polar X” che nasce nelle grigie e fredde mattinate di Torino e nelle sue nebbiose ed umide sere d’inverno per riempire la vita di morbidezza, caldo e colori decisi.
Azzurro! Ampio cardigan “ruota”, gonna altezza ginocchio con cerniera asimmetrica e borsetta in polar “castorino” azzurro celeste.

Eterno beige. Beige morbido o estremo? Con o senza citura?  A te la scelta! Abito altezza ginocchio e borsetta in polar “castorino” beige chiaro.

Scintille di rosso. Il completo rosso è composto da pantaloni palazzo, top ed ampio spolverino ruota in pile castorino rosso con inserti a contrasto sulle maniche rigorosamente il polar.

Dettagli che contano. Borsette in castorino celeste e beige completeranno i look quotidiani, sportivi ed outfit ricercati da cerimonia.

Ti è piaciuta la collezione? Commissiona su misura i tuoi oufit preferiti oppure chiedi di crearne uno apposta per te compilando questa form. Indica il modello e le tue misure come altezza, circonferenza vita, bacino e torace.

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Per aggiornamenti in tempo reale seguimi sui social network  FacebookInstagram e TwitterTumbler e Pinterest e diventa il mio sostenitore su Patreon.

Se hai delle domande, suggerimenti o vuoi condividere un idea? Clicca qui e scrivimi!